“How Midjourney – The Otherworld Diner is Transforming the Fine Dining Experience with Fantasy”
Restaurant Name: Garden of Paradise Operating hours: From when the stars begin to twinkle in the night sky until the light of dawn hits the horizon Open: Every night (except when the moonlight is obscured by clouds) Location: Near a waterfall in a mystical forest, in a dreamlike space Reservation method: To reserve a seat, you must recite towards the night sky, “I seek dinner under the moonlight.” When the spirits of the forest hear this, your seat will be reserved.
In the Garden of Paradise, you can enjoy a fantastic full-course Japanese meal made with the best ingredients selected by the spirits. Our chefs use traditional Japanese techniques while also exercising their own creativity and imagination to create dishes that go beyond the ordinary. The meal is served under the moonlight, in harmony with the starlight and the music of the forest. Many of our customers have praised our offerings as an ‘unforgettable experience through dining.’ Welcome to our world, and embark on a culinary journey enveloped in mystery and profoundness.
餐厅名称:極樂之園 营业时间:从星星开始在夜空中闪烁,直到黎明的光照亮地平线 营业日:每晚(除了月亮被云层遮挡的夜晚) 地址:位于一个神秘的森林中,梦幻般的空间的瀑布旁边 预订方法:希望参加极乐的花园的人应该向夜空诵读:“我寻求在月光下的晚餐。”当森林的精灵听到这个时,您的座位将被预订。
6月のフルコースメニューはこちらになります。 キツネの火のキノコ (Fox’s Fire Mushrooms, 狐狸火蘑菇) 川童のすまし汁 (River Child’s Clear Soup, 河童清汤) 鳳凰の刺身 (Phoenix Sashimi, 凤凰刺身) 龍の炙り焼き (Dragon’s Broiled Meat, 龙的烤肉) 妖精の蒸し豆腐 (Fairy’s Steamed Tofu, 精灵的蒸豆腐) 獣神の穀物ご飯 (Beast God’s Grain Rice, 兽神谷物饭) 精霊の氷菓 (Spirit’s Ice Cream, 精灵的冰淇淋)
前菜:キツネの火のキノコ キツネの火のように優雅に燃えるキノコ。その独特な香りと微妙な甘みがあなたの舌を魅了します。 Mushrooms that burn as gracefully as a fox’s fire. Its unique aroma and subtle sweetness will captivate your palate. 如狐狸火般优雅燃烧的蘑菇。其独特的香气和微妙的甜味将吸引您的味蕾。
椀物:川童のすまし汁 川童の清らかな泉から採れた水で作られたすまし汁。その透明感ある味わいが心地よい余韻を残します。 Clear soup made from water drawn from the pure springs of the river child. Its clear taste leaves a comforting aftertaste. 用从河童清澈的泉水中取得的水做成的清汤。其清澈的味道会留下舒适的回味。
造り:鳳凰の刺身 鳳凰の翼から得られる美しい刺身。その色鮮やかな肉質と、爽やかな味わいが一瞬であなたを虜にします。 Beautiful sashimi obtained from the wings of a phoenix. Its vibrant meat and refreshing taste will captivate you in an instant. 从凤凰翅膀上得到的美丽的刺身。其鲜艳的肉质和清爽的口感将在一瞬间俘获您。
焼き物:龍の炙り焼き 巨大なドラゴンの肉をじっくりと炙り焼きにしたもの。その強烈な旨みと、ジューシーな肉汁が口の中で広がります。 Slowly broiled meat of a massive dragon. Its intense umami and juicy juices spread throughout your mouth. 慢慢烤的巨大龙肉。其强烈的鲜味和多汁的肉汁在您的口中扩散开来。
蒸し物:妖精の蒸し豆腐 妖精の力を込めた豆腐をふんわりと蒸し上げたもの。その滑らかな舌触りと優しい味わいが癒しを与えます。 Lightly steamed tofu infused with the power of fairies. Its smooth texture and gentle flavor provide a sense of comfort. 简体中文:轻轻蒸煮的,注入了精灵力量的豆腐。它的顺滑口感和温和的味道会带给你安慰。
食事:獣神の穀物ご飯 獣神が守護する穀物から作られたご飯。その豊かな香りと深みのある味わいが一度で心を満たします。 Rice made from grains protected by the beast god. Its rich aroma and deep flavor fill your heart in one go. 由兽神保护的谷物制成的米饭。它丰富的香气和深沉的味道一次就能填满你的心。
甘味:精霊の氷菓 精霊の息吹から生まれた氷菓。その爽快な冷感と甘さが、食事の締めくくりとして最高の満足感を与えます。 Ice cream born from the breath of spirits. Its refreshing coldness and sweetness provide the ultimate satisfaction as the finish to a meal. 由精灵的呼吸诞生的冰淇淋。它的清爽冷感和甜味作为饭后甜点,提供了最终的满足感。